"CACHEBOX310 is a lot easier to manage than other, more expensive appliances"
Eli Vaughan, Networks Administrator, Medicine Park, USA
"We can now cater for bandwidth intensive content including video and Facebook, significantly improving our customer experience"
Adam Yon, C&W St Helena Networks Manager
"Extra bandwidth has allowed us to add more services for our business, residential and emergency services customers"
Bob Ney, Support Engineer at Esplanade Wireless, USA
"We're getting great bandwidth savings with CACHEBOX - 40% on average and we saw around 80% during a recent round of Apple updates."
Aqib Korai, Liptinfor, Niger
"The price of CACHEBOX is sensible. It's a great value solution!"
Nizar Hammoudeh, Zaytona ISP, Palestine

Save Bandwidth, Save Money

metered-bandwidth-savings-graph-smBy serving web pages to your users from a local web cache, you need to fetch less data from the internet, saving you bandwidth and money.

With intelligent caches like CACHEBOX, this applies to the images, video and software updates which account for the majority of today’s internet traffic -and the majority of headaches for network managers.

Bandwidth savings translate into money in different ways in different organisations:

  • Avoid upgrade to a higher bandwidth connection
  • Direct cost savings on metered connections: less data traffic = lower bills
  • Ability to add more users and make more money – without increasing capacity

The amount of bandwidth saved by caching varies depending on the context. Most ISPs see savings of 20-35%, depending on the mix of traffic in their network.

Getting more out of your existing bandwidth – and the money saved as a result – is the #1 driver for using a cache in many cases. Often a simple Return on Investment calculation demonstrates a payback in months and makes it a “no-brainer”.

Next: Save on Video >

Because CACHEBOX is versatile and scalable, our customers around the world come in all shapes and sizes. ISPs, education authorities, blue-chip multi-nationals, public sector bodies, small businesses, shipping fleets and hotels get more out of their bandwidth with CACHEBOX.

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