"The support team is great, they are pretty good and give fast responses"
Damone Farrell, Tech, Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA), USA
"Everything provided was instrumental in our decision-making process and made us believe that DNSBOX was a good fit for our environment"
Ed Buonocore, Systems Manager, US Federal Probation D/NJ, NJ, USA
"We didn't really have much DNS experience, and this drove us to using an appliance-based solution..."
Jonathan Guthrie, Networks Manager, CMPi - United Business Media, UK
"ApplianSys offers a very helpful service. DNSBOX seems to fit the bill regarding functions"
Matthew Parris, GE Appliances, USA
"Every question, concern and need has been addressed in a timely manner"
Ed Buonocore, Systems Manager, US Federal Probation D/NJ, NJ, USA

Reliable DHCP Management

Whether you are using ISC DHCP or Windows, deploying and managing a DHCP service comes with its own set of headaches:

  • Initial DHCP setup requires in-depth configuration expertise and detailed knowledge
  • Updating DHCP configurations is time-consuming & error prone
  • The impact of misconfiguration is high – a typo could bring down your network
  • Poor visibility of current IP address usage and historic lease data
  • Difficulties implementing redundancy and maintaining an ‘always on’ DHCP service – particularly during server maintenance and upgrades

A dedicated DHCP appliance can help enterprises manage their existing requirements and deal with new DHCP challenges from large IP phone deployments to BYOD schemes. It will simplify day-to-day administration, improve visibility & control of IP usage and provide a high level of resilience and availability.

Just need DHCP? We’ve perfected the dedicated DHCP server
User feedback has always rated the DNSBOX DHCP solution highly. With increasing need for stand-alone DHCP, in 2021 we decided to re-build it from the ground up to build indisputably the world’s best DHCP server. Informed by expert customer insight every step of the way, that’s what we’ve done.

See how we’ve perfected DHCP

DHCP-Screenshot-subnetsEasier to deploy and use

  • Automation tools reduce initial and ongoing configuration overhead – it takes hours to manually setup dynamic DNS and 2 minutes with a DDI tool
  • A good user interface directs users to perform data editing in clear, logical steps making administration intuitive


DHCP-Screenshots-lease-statisticsClear, accurate visibility of your IP address allocation enabling you to implement a plan that caters for devices leaving and joining the network effectively

  • DDI solutions like DNSBOX give you aggregated visibility of distributed DHCP servers from a centralised interface



DHCP-Screenshot-failoverEnsuring maximum availability of this critical network service

  • Simplified configuration of synchronised failover servers
  • Validation tools can eliminate configuration errors
  • Some appliance solutions like DNSBOX feature minimal downtime upgrade mechanisms



Next: IP Address Management >

Because DNSBOX is versatile and scalable, our customers around the world come in all shapes and sizes. Some want to simplify, control and protect their DDI services, others just want to solve a specific DNS or DHCP headache.

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