"Our bandwidth problems have been practically eliminated. Monitoring & customization is a snap with the web interface."
Desert Academy, Santa Fe, USA
"We rolled out 1200 Chromebooks to classrooms and CACHEBOX means that we haven't needed to increase our bandwidth."
Rodney Leer, Brenham Independent School District, USA
"ApplianSys is the only vendor that takes the time to look at our appliances for us, and it really goes a long way."
Mike Caruso, Orland Park Consolidated High School District 230, USA
"CACHEBOX is a simple yet effective device"
Dustin Rowe, Information Technology Director, Ronan School District 30, USA
"Without CACHEBOX, there is no way I would have been able to add all these devices and start our iPad program!"
David Godfrey, Trinity School, USA

What they say about us

Our success is driven by our customers. Their needs and experiences have guided the design of our products and services for over 20 years.

Customers often tell us that the number and quality of testimonials we share provided helpful insight when choosing to work with us. And now they're more than happy to share their experiences with you.

You will find here hundreds of customer's stories, told in their own words.

With customers in over 150 countries, we can often connect you with someone near you to hear their views directly.


“We would likely need to be at 3Gbps without CACHEBOX, which wouldn’t cost us too much more in terms of annual cost but I fall on the side of being bandwidth responsible – and CACHEBOX helps to deliver that.”
Mike Good, Director of IT Operations, Los Lunas School District, USA

“Very thankful we have CACHEBOX to offset our need for bandwidth. Without CACHEBOX, our network would end up likely seizing due to software updates.”
Mike Good, Director of IT Operations, Los Lunas School District, USA

“Teachers have really become very comfortable with the ease of use of the Media Library which they use all the time. They love the Media Library.”
Ignacio Rodriguez, Technology Director, Childress Independent School District, USA

CACHEBOX is the best investment I have made to help with the district’s network speed.”
Joey Andrews, Technology Coordinator, Arkadelphia School District, USA

CACHEBOX has been a game changer for our network. I’m astounded with the savings & the increase in speeds at which CACHEBOX is delivering content. I’m also impressed with the level of detail that the reports offer, not just for the caching stats but our network as a whole.”
Brandon Tall Bull, Lame Deer School District 6, USA

“We needed CACHEBOX to support the growing number of devices in our schools as we move towards 1:1. It’s been a huge asset in allowing us to consistently deliver quality internet access even with demand increasing. We can rely on CACHEBOX to do the job we need it to do.”
Ryan Word, Technology Director, Oak Grove School District, USA

“We have more bandwidth now than when we first bought CACHEBOX, but it still plays a critical role in our bandwidth management. We have much more efficient management of the spikes in demand we see at peak times, we haven’t needed to upgrade as frequently, and it ensures the traffic runs smoothly at all times. What’s more, even though we have more bandwidth, we are constantly seeing increased usage – bandwidth consumption is always increasing – we now see around 3 devices per student in our school! CACHEBOX helps us stay ahead of the game and futureproof our network for ever-increasing bandwidth consumption.”
Randy Stachelrodt, Network Technician, Franklin Area School District, USA

CACHEBOX sees great performance when it comes to caching update traffic – we’ve seen huge savings on Windows and Apple updates. Serving these updates from cache means we make room for the popular traffic much faster.”
Chris Rule, Technology Director, Sublette County School District #1 USA

“Students were always complaining about how slow the internet was before we got CACHEBOX. Now, internet speeds are so much faster – kids are reporting that it’s much snappier! This makes a huge difference to the classroom experience – students can access popular content like Prodigy faster than ever before. I couldn’t take this away from them now they’re used to it!”
Chris Gregory, Software Engineer, Armona Union Elementary School District, USA

“It’s simple, stable and easy to manage. We are very satisfied with DNSBOX so far.”
Jostein Solvang, Sparebanken Nord-Norge 1, Norway

“Nobody complains about the internet anymore thanks to CACHEBOX. It’s made the online experience better for students and teachers, and it’s made my life easier! I’d recommend this for every school.”
Jess Pizana, IT Director,  Regina School System / Iowa City, USA

“We’ve grown a lot in terms of devices in the last few years – now our junior and senior high are all on 1:1 – CACHEBOX has played an integral part of being able to reach 1:1 and continues to allow us to manage our bandwidth more efficiently, whilst delivering the performance students and teachers expect.”
Jess Pizana, IT Director,  Regina School System / Iowa City, USA

“ApplianSys Support has been very helpful in getting us set up. I’m no expert but now I’m feeling much more comfortable with using the DNSBOXes.”
Jeremy Whitley, Roanoke Electric Cooperative, USA

“We brought in CACHEBOX a few years ago to help extend our bandwidth connection and it made a big difference straight away. It’s great to know that we are managing our bandwidth efficiently by serving lots of educational content and software updates locally. We’ve also seen some impressive speed increases on popular classroom content, so the students and teachers are happy about that!”
Dan Fluckiger, Technology Coordinator, Southeast Webster Grand Community School District, USA

“When we first bought CACHEBOX bandwidth savings was our priority. CACHEBOX makes a big difference when it comes to reducing peak demand and allowing us to get more out of our bandwidth capacity. However, over the last 3 years the State has increased the size of our bandwidth connection, so now we see the most benefits from the speed increases and clearing large software updates from our internet pipe quickly.”
Dale Moeller, Technology Director, Rutland Independent School District, USA

“I love a product that just does what it’s supposed to do with minimum fuss. DNSBOX just works for the purposes we need – a redundant, reliable DHCP service.”
Kevin Williams, Director, Whittier Regional Vocational Technical High School, USA

“The internet was practically unworkable before we got CACHEBOX. This device has been a life-saver in terms of improving the quality of internet access, we’ve been able to dramatically expand our online capabilities since having this in place. Having CACHEBOX in our school has allowed us to bring in more devices and do more with the internet in the classroom!”
Mike Evans, Network Administrator, Hampton Academy, USA

“We LOVE DNSBOX. Does just what we want, exactly the way we want. Stable, redundant, out of sight, out of mind DHCP at its finest.”
Kevin Williams, Director, Whittier Regional Vocational Technical High School, USA

“We love that CACHEBOX allows us to expand our bandwidth without having to upgrade our connection. This allows us to do more with the internet and at the same time manage our consumption more efficiently. The fact that CACHEBOX is serving online content 5x faster is an added bonus.”
Rob Beaton, Network Administrator, Toms River Regional School District, USA 

“I have worked with a Windows DNS server previously, and having used both DNSBOX and Windows, I prefer using your DNSBOXes. The interface is easy to use and very intuitive.”
Peter Mitchell, Infrastructure and Operations, Lakota Local School District, USA

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