"We rolled out 1200 Chromebooks to classrooms and CACHEBOX means that we haven't needed to increase our bandwidth."
Rodney Leer, Brenham Independent School District, USA
"Our bandwidth problems have been practically eliminated. Monitoring & customization is a snap with the web interface."
Desert Academy, Santa Fe, USA
"ApplianSys is the only vendor that takes the time to look at our appliances for us, and it really goes a long way."
Mike Caruso, Orland Park Consolidated High School District 230, USA
"CACHEBOX is amazing and so affordable on E-Rate"
Robert Rowe, Head of Department, Finkelstein Memorial Library, USA
"With DNSBOX our speed of response has improved dramatically. Previously, if a business unit set up a website, we would have to..."
Jonathan Guthrie, Networks Manager, CMPi - United Business Media, UK

What they say about us

Our success is driven by our customers. Their needs and experiences have guided the design of our products and services for over 20 years.

Customers often tell us that the number and quality of testimonials we share provided helpful insight when choosing to work with us. And now they're more than happy to share their experiences with you.

You will find here hundreds of customer's stories, told in their own words.

With customers in over 150 countries, we can often connect you with someone near you to hear their views directly.


“We would likely need to be at 3Gbps without CACHEBOX, which wouldn’t cost us too much more in terms of annual cost but I fall on the side of being bandwidth responsible – and CACHEBOX helps to deliver that.”
Mike Good, Director of IT Operations, Los Lunas School District, USA

“We have seen many benefits using CACHEBOX – it allows us to manage HTTP and FTP traffic and gives us the ability to cache videos and software updates. Content preloading and mirroring is also a plus.”
Daniel Noah, Network Engineer, Global Tech, Chad

“I believe CACHEBOX could benefit other schools in Montana that aren’t as fortunate as we are.”
Jason Hecock, Director, Kalispell School District 5, USA

“The CACHEBOX is the best investment I made for our district’s network. Even though we have lots of bandwidth, that didn’t mean we got the speed we needed. Videos still buffered and we experienced slowdowns (especially at busy times). Now we use CACHEBOX and the Media Library and it has transformed the online experience. The internet has never choked down once in the 3 years I’ve been using this product.”
Joey Andrews, Arkadelphia School District, USA

“Everytime we upgrade the firmware we see the additional benefits and CACHEBOX just gets better.”
Jeremy Roberts, IT section manager, Saint Helena Government, Saint Helena

CACHEBOX works great with Windows Updates and it has helped increase the internet’s speed in the classroom.”
Gary Cummins, Administrator, Bagdad Unified School District #20, USA

“I commend you for building a wonderful device. DNSBOX looks great in our server rack when we show guests around, and it’s a work horse. It’s exactly what you hope for when you buy a box like this, and 80% of the time you don’t get something like this. Excellent appliance!”
Anthony Grande, Senior Systems / IT Network Administrator, Phoenix Suns, USA

“We’ve had CACHEBOX for 4 years and it’s the type of appliance that does its job quietly without any need to manage it, to the point that the teachers and staff think the internet is simply fast, but actually I know that if we pulled it out, our internet would slow right down! This unit has really helped us with speed.”
Tony Venable, Merritt Island Christian School, USA

CACHEBOX runs smoothly and we’ve never had any issues. We actually underwent a major bandwidth upgrade in September and, even with this increased capacity, CACHEBOX is still doing a great job of reducing peak-time demand, managing bandwidth consumption, and improving overall network performance. We see around 40% bandwidth savings on average, which is great, but CACHEBOX also really reduced the load on the internet pipe when there are new software updates and demand spikes.”
Mark Street, Network Admin, Sure South Atlantic (C&W Falklands), Falkland Islands

“We were struggling with 40-60Mbps bandwidth and it was killing us, we knew we had to do something so we decided to bring in CACHEBOX. Even though we have a large connection now with 500Mbps we still use the CACHEBOX and it helps us alleviate congestion from updates.”
Dan Shelton, Southwest Barry CSD R5, USA

“I am very impressed by CACHEBOX’s performance. We have doubled the number of devices in our network over the last year and we have actually reduced our bandwidth consumption! We only use 60% of a 200Mbps connection to support a 1:1 district with over 1,200 concurrent devices at peak times!”
Shawn Dakin, Newcomerstown School District, USA

CACHEBOX really saves me a ton on bandwidth, we have a 200Mbps connection here and have no problems with internet everything runs beautifully, but I know of other districts that have a 1Gb connection and still have issues with slow internet. It’s been my favourite purchase for the school in the last decade!”
Shawn Dakin, Newcomerstown School District, USA

“The district is seeing the most impact when it comes to Microsoft Updates as well as Apple deployments. We are an entirely 1:1 district with iPads so you can imagine that’s a pretty large chunk of our usage. We also utilize the Media Library as we block YouTube for the students so the teachers can put the content on the Media Library, which is accessible internally and externally for remote Students.”
Micheal Miller, Washington Township School District, USA

“Media Library has been a gods send! When we used to have the children loading a YouTube video in class half of them would buffer and wouldn’t load, but Media Library and CACHEBOX fixed this and the kids can watch the YouTube videos we want them to easily. We no longer have to worry about having slow internet issues and it saves our bandwidth.”
Troy Virojana, IT Manager, Brookfield Christian School, USA

“We have definitely noticed a difference in the school with CACHEBOX. Our school’s best internet connection is 300Mbps and we serve up to 200 users at any one time, so CACHEBOX has been great at making sure we squeeze the most our of our internet, and it just sits there doing it happily.”
Kenneth Herr, Quakertown Christian School, USA

“The CACHEBOX makes so much sense for yachts – the prohibitively high cost of satellite connection, and issues with latency on these connections, makes managing bandwidth effectively even more important. With CACHEBOX, we are able to get the most out of our existing connection by saving bandwidth from caching. The bandwidth savings we are seeing from CACHEBOX are critical to our operation. Also, the reporting is fantastic, you can see detailed insights into all sorts of performance indicators.”
Yacht Management Company, Europe

“Media Library is a cool feature that strips down YouTube. It works well for teachers and they love it!”
Ignacio Rodriguez, Director, Childress Independent School District, USA

DNSBOX is easy to manage, handle and is very stable. It is the best DNS product ever!”
Ruth Noemi Perez Feliciano, NOC Supervisor, PREPA Networks (HUB Advanced Networks LLC), Puerto Rico

“I haven’t heard any complaints about the speed of the internet, the speeds are incredible with CACHEBOX.”
Logan DeRungs, Technology Coordinator, Rutland Independent School District 39-4, USA

“I bought CACHEBOX several years ago because it was significantly cheaper than upgrading the internet. At the time, we were consuming 90%+ of our 200Mbps connection and I was conscious that we had plans to move towards a 1:1 scheme, so we needed a cost-effective, scalable solution to manage bandwidth.
After installing CACHEBOX, I immediately saw the difference. The more devices we brought in, the more students embraced e-learning resources, the more efficiency we see. This product has saved me so much money over the years and paid for itself within a matter of months!”
Shawn Dakin, Newcomerstown School District, USA

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